Sunday, 15 April 2007

Lyme Regis Sailing Club

April 15th
Today Sunday the Mayoress and I were invited to the Sailing Club for the Commodores Reception. We were met by the Honorary Secretary Sally Holman and the Commodore Keith Thompson. We were made very welcome, a lovely buffet and a excellent social occasion followed. Unfortunately because of a lack of wind the boats never took to the water until well after lunch. But I think the Bar gained because of that. Josephine and I thank the Club for the invitation and the generosity in your welcome.The Honorary Secretary and Keith Thompson on behalf of the Sailing club presented us with a mast head cruising pennant from a club bargee, seen in the photo, to take with us to Bermuda I will present the pennant to the Bermuda Dingy and Sailing club on their behalf and the Twinning Association at the annual darts match between Lyme Regis and Bermuda. Normally this match is conducted on a telephone link up but for the first time this year there will be a Web Cam between the Nags Head Lyme Regis and the Bermuda Sailing club. This is to show that the darts really do hit the board!

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

This weeks business

April 11th Spring Civic Reception
The Mayoress and I attended the above reception at Dorchester WDDC offices. Unfortunately the Chairman Mary Penfold had a bereavement in her family and could not be there. We send our condolences for her sad loss at this time Never the less it was a pleasant evening meeting most of the Mayors and there escorts we had met during the course of our visits around the county. With elections coming up we might not meet them again.

Royal British Legion Lyme Regis Branch

April 12th Quarterly meeting held at the Woodmead Hall
President of the Lyme Regis branch of the Royal British Legion, Cecil Quick (pictured right) presents branch treasurer Martin Jones with the Jack Loveridge Trophy First awarded in 1978, it is presented to the member who the committee felt contributed most invaluably to the branch over the last twelve months.Mr. Quick said: “ in the short time that Martin has been our treasurer he has excelled. His attention to detail has been truly helpful to the Royal British Legion. He is a great asset to the branch.”

Monday, 9 April 2007

Easter Bonnet Parade

Sunday 8th March
This year was an outstanding success with fine weather bringing out the crowds to watch the the Easter Bonnet parade. Led by the Town Junior Band. Mayor and Mayoress and the Town Crier the very colourful procession marched down Broad Street distributing small chocolate eggs to the watching children on the way to Theatre square. There were crowds of people watching on both sides of the street as you will see from the photos. Prizes were given in many categories from age six to venerable years ! The Majorettes who were also in the parade put on their show during the Bonnet judging and before the prize giving. As usual they were a credit to their team. Many thanks to all those, too numerous to mention, who generously contributed to this event. The Prize Stall

Bank Holiday Monday

Easter Monday April 9th

Another lovely sunny morning in Lyme Regis. I went to the Marine Theatre to visit a book fair very interesting looking at books that I had forgotten had ever existed Then walked on the front and met up with Rotary having a fund raising morning in the shelters. Then met up with the Mayoress and had coffee in a well known restaurant along the front.
I went to the PTA Duck Race which starts at Woodmead Road Waterfall and ends at Mill Green with over 600 ducks in the water yellow ones of course ! The Town Crier was in his usual good voice and heralded my starting of the race. We were also at the finish he shouted and I presented the cash prizes.You will see from the pictures that the race was very well supported as always. The crowds at the start and the Ducks leaving !

Waiting for the Ducks This photo is at the request of the young lady.

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

The Visit to Lyme Regis of the Princess Royal

Today was another highlight of our Mayoral year the visit of Princess Anne.
The Mayoress and I had the privilege to be in the reception party to meet the Princess Royal on her arrival in Lyme Regis at the Alexander Hotel. The Princess was here to open the new Sea Front and Langmoor Gardens, which had been part of the coastal protection scheme. Many local dignitaries were presented to the Princess Royal in the garden of the Hotel who had been involved in the scheme in some way since the early 90’s. Following this the Princess walked through the gardens down to the beach to unveil a plaque in memory of the opening. I would like to think the photos above would give an understanding how pleasant the occasion was for all concerned.