Sunday, 15 April 2007

Lyme Regis Sailing Club

April 15th
Today Sunday the Mayoress and I were invited to the Sailing Club for the Commodores Reception. We were met by the Honorary Secretary Sally Holman and the Commodore Keith Thompson. We were made very welcome, a lovely buffet and a excellent social occasion followed. Unfortunately because of a lack of wind the boats never took to the water until well after lunch. But I think the Bar gained because of that. Josephine and I thank the Club for the invitation and the generosity in your welcome.The Honorary Secretary and Keith Thompson on behalf of the Sailing club presented us with a mast head cruising pennant from a club bargee, seen in the photo, to take with us to Bermuda I will present the pennant to the Bermuda Dingy and Sailing club on their behalf and the Twinning Association at the annual darts match between Lyme Regis and Bermuda. Normally this match is conducted on a telephone link up but for the first time this year there will be a Web Cam between the Nags Head Lyme Regis and the Bermuda Sailing club. This is to show that the darts really do hit the board!