Sunday, 20 May 2007

The Diary for May 2007

May3rd Election day. A good turn out something like 47% voted from the electoral register. My son Jonathan emigrated to Australia to get married and start a new life there . I took him to Gatwick and wished him and Elizabeth well for the years ahead. For me it was an emotional parting .

May4th/5th/6th As Mayor with Mary Anning present I opened the Fossil Festival in Lyme Regis.It was open for three days a huge success and hopefully will be in the years to come . On the 6th was also the town fete, as Mayor I opened that with the Junior town band, the majorettes and many stalls. A good day was had by all .

May5th Presented a pennant to the Commodore of the Lyme Regis sailing club from the sailing club of Bermuda.
May7th As Mayor I started the Duck Race as always it was very well supported I did not know it then but it was to be my last duty as Mayor of Lyme Regis .
May9th attended Bournemouth eye hospital and given the news that I had to have two more eye operations and given two dates for them. One on the 24th May and the other on the 21st June. I am sure most of you will understand the significances of these dates? I was not offered one more year as Mayor but would not have taken it if it had been offered. But it would have been nice to have had the chance of refusal if I had wanted to . ! In talking to the consultant it was obvious that something had to be done sooner rather than later.
May14th attended the AGM of the Twinning Association .
May16th attended Lyme Regis Area Partnership meeting (Lyme Forward)
May 17th/18th I went to Birmingham for a two day meeting with representatives from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)
With the changes in Local Government it is essential that organisations change with it and have an understanding of the situation this obviously includes the Councils and local organisations. The new planning regulations are a perfect example. Unfortunately due to this meeting I was unable to attend two Council meetings.

May21st Royal British Legion Quiz night. A night organised by David Manners and committee members. I presented the prizes at the end of the quiz on this very enjoyable evening. I am sure there will be another later in the year following the success of this one. Once again my sincere thank you to all for your support of the Royal British Legion Enjoy the Pics

The quiz master.The winners and the losers ? Sorry there were no losers everyone had a great time

May 23rd Attended LRTC Policy meeting

May 24th I had a small eye operation at the Bournemouth eye hospital. You can read about that in my article about that day .