Thursday, 24 May 2007

A year to the day in the life of a former Mayor of Lyme Regis

As I walked to catch the 6.35 bus to Dorchester this morning I reflected in what was going to happen to me doing the course of this day. I new why I was going to Bournemouth to have treatment for my eye and hopefully coming home but what else was in the mix. This is my short story of the event full day.
I got on bus and was told that it only goes to Bridport I will have to change there. No problem arrived Dorchester South to be told that there was a train delay a lorry had hit a bridge at Upwey and had to be inspected before trains could move. 30 mins later the train arrived and I arrived at Bournemouth. Got on the bus to the hospital and was amazingly on time for my appointment. About 10.30 I met the consultant and during the laser treatment the consultant said that he was not happy with the progress and suggested that he took me into the operating theatre after lunch for a more detailed treatment. This I agreed so at 14.00 approx I found myself in the theatre and after the usual ritual of talking to the male nurse the anaesthetist, someone who was having a preview and the consultant we got underway . The eye was anesthetized , my other eye covered up and the proceedings started. The laser was clicking away ,talking was going on and I had no pain a strange feeling. About 20min later I was wheeled back into the day patients room and given a very welcome cup of tea and a sandwich of my choosing.I had decided to make my way home although if you don't feel to good the Hospital would have given me a bed for the night.I have nothing but praise for the Eye Unit in Bournemouth Hospital, I have been treated very well and will be revisiting them in four week time for I hope my final operation on my eye. You need to know from the entrance to the Hospital to the eye unit is approx one third of mile.They have a buggy run by volunteers to take patients and visitors if they cannot walk to parts of the hospital an amazing service. So an hour later with one eye covered and looking like someone from the blitz I started on my way home getting the bus to Bournemouth station and the train to Dorchester South that was uneventful.In fact it looked better with one eye!The bus was 40mins late arriving at the station but at least it arrived. Just as we left Dorchester a high pitch wining started in the bus ,just what I needed and continued to Bridport.This meant a change of bus again and we were on the way to Lyme.I had a taxi waiting for me by the bus stop at Anning road and the the time was 7.00pm exactly. My thoughts went back to a year ago to the day when at that time the proceedings started to make me the Mayor of Lyme Regis and give Josephine and I a wonderful 2007. What a day !